Unpack & run distribution. Should just work out of the box, but you may want to configure a couple of things for an even smoother experience…

First decide what account to use to run Smuggler. Then being logged on with that account’s user, extract the bundle’s contents to some directory. You should now see an ome-smuggler directory with all the goodies in it. To run the server (Unix)

$ cd ome-smuggler
$ bin/run.sh

On Windows use bin\run.bat instead. Either way, the server will run in your terminal, in the foreground. Use Ctrl+c to shut it down. That’s pretty much it. But read on for some minimal configuration tweaks you may need if there’s an HTTP port conflict (Smuggler won’t start in that case) or you have no mail service available on the host.

Directory Layout

The ome-smuggler directory you unpacked contains the following sub-directories

You’ll also notice a fat license file and a README in ome-smuggler, but you know what that stuff is, right?

Note that this distribution packages Smuggler as a self-contained app with everything in the ome-smuggler directory: binaries, libraries, configuration, and any data that Smuggler will produce while running.

Minimal Configuration

Smuggler will try to start an HTTP server on port 8000. If that doesn’t suit you, stick an undertow.yml file in the config directory with this line in it:

port: 8000

but replace 8000 with the port number you want.

Restart Required!

Every time you change any of your configuration files you’ll have to stop and start the server again for the new configuration to take effect.

As for the mail configuration, Smuggler expects an SMTP service to be available on port 25 on localhost. If this is not the case, email notifications won’t go out (obviously!) but for the rest Smuggler will still work as advertised. Anyway, you can easily override the default mail configuration with your own: just provide a config/mail.yml file as explained in the configuration section.


You could use this distribution as a starting point to hack together something that works better on your platform. In fact, all you need to run Smuggler are the two jar files in the lib directory; starting the server can be as easy as

$ java -jar lib/ome-smuggler-*.jar

but with this bare-bones command Smuggler will write logs and data to the current working directory. The easiest remedy to that is to specify where you want that stuff to go using Java properties, e.g.

$ java -Dome.smuggler.ConfigDir=smugs-config \
       -Dome.smuggler.DataDir=smugs-data     \
       -Dlogging.path=smugs-logs             \
       -jar lib/ome-smuggler-*.jar

This is in fact exactly what the bin/run.* scripts do. Alternatively, you could use environment variables—details in the configuration section. Hack on!